
Sunday, January 22, 2012


Thought this was a great follow up to the "importance of Focus" blog post.  Here a university professor shows the actual negative effect on the brain that multi-tasking has when compared to a singular focus.  So remember, whether it's buying a new domain name, setting up your web-hosting, building your website, or getting traffic via search engine optimization… focus!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

wat a bad dayy... first summon for this year..omg....!!!!! hmph.penat nk taip..nnt if i okay i type ea..??

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Creativity Can Keep You Healthy

Creative Thinking: Why Creativity Is Important
Creativity is important for a number of reasons, including:
  • It's fun and enjoyable. Doing things that you like reducesstress and improves overall well-being.
  • It boosts self-confidence. Trying new things can improve self-confidence and make you a more interesting person.
  • It stimulates the brain. Creativity sharpens the brain, which can stem the advance of dementia in old age. The more new things you learn, the more use the brain gets — and the sharper it will remain. It's often recommended that seniors learn new skills and challenge themselves with new opportunities, but this recommendation is appropriate for any age.
Creative Thinking: A Balanced Life
You already know that all work and no play do not make for a healthy life — and can result in a pretty unhappy you. But that also doesn't mean that all play and no work is good either, and that's why striking the right balance is so important.
Working and being productive helps keep you sharp, organized, and even happy — as long as it's well balanced with leisure and creativity. Whether it's at your daily job, taking care of yourchildren, or cleaning up your home and yard, you feel a great sense of accomplishment after a productive day — and that does a lot for your emotional health. But we all need time to rest and rejuvenate, and do something fun and stimulating. So block off some time each day or each week for a little creativity.
Creative Thinking: Making the Most of Your Time
During your "you" time, do anything that you enjoy or anything that's new and different to you. Make it something that's challenging, stimulating, and that you look forward to. Here are some good ways to challenge your brain, learn new skills, and get your creative juices flowing:
  • Write in a journal or do some creative writing
  • Tackle a crossword puzzle
  • Take a knitting, crochet, or cross-stitch class
  • Take up gardening
  • Visit the theater
  • Take a painting or sculpture class
  • Take a dance class
  • Learn yoga or tai chi
  • Listen to lectures
  • Take a cooking class
  • Learn to sing or play a musical instrument
  • Learn to speak a new language
  • Go back to school and take some academic or other classes of interest to you
Most importantly, whatever you decide to do, make it fun. Sure, it's one more thing to add to your busy schedule, but taking time for creativity is one of the best investments you can make for your body and spirit.

Friday, January 13, 2012

8 Worst Foods for Your Fridge and Freezer

1. Worst Staple: White Bread

You may think a loaf of reliable, all-American white bread is a harmless vehicle for peanut butter or other sandwich fillers. But white bread is made with refined flour, which has been stripped of the bran and the germ (as well as protein and key nutrients). Besides being lower in protein and fiber than whole wheat bread, studies show that these refined grains may even be dangerous to your heart.
Better option: Whole grain breads. Be sure that they say 100% whole grains and carry the Whole Grains Council stamp of approval.

2. Worst Sandwich Filler: Processed Meats

“Hot dogs and luncheon meats are so high in sodium, I cringe when I see their labels,” says Krieger. Many of these foods contain as much as 1,000 mg of sodium per serving (nearly half your daily recommended intake), in addition to saturated fats. Researchers at Harvard University found that people eating a 1.8-ounce serving of processed meat each day had a 42% higher risk of heart disease and 19% higher risk for type 2 diabetes. Other studies have shown that eating cured meats a few times a month puts you at risk for developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Better option: You can still have deli meat—just stock your fridge with brands that offer varieties with no added nitrates and low sodium, like Applegate Farms and Hormel Natural.

3. Worst Drink: Soda

Your typical can of soda contains about 140 calories and 10 teaspoons of sugar—not exactly the makings of a healthy thirst-quencher—and diet soda isn’t any better. Drinking both regular and diet soda has been linked to adult metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors, including high blood pressure, weight gain in the stomach area, and insulin resistance, that increases your odds for developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It’s also not a great drink to have stocked for kids or teenagers. The extra calories from these sugar-sweetened beverages are a big determinant of childhood obesity.
Better option: Water, fresh juice, or iced tea. Just be sure to keep the juice to smaller servings.

4. Worst “Healthy” Food: Frozen Veggies with Sauce

Frozen vegetables are a great way to ensure you’re getting your greens without worrying about them going bad. They also can hold a nutritional bonus: “Frozen veggies are often frozen close to the farm. The transit time is shorter so more nutrition is sealed in that bag,” says Krieger. However, leave the bags with sauces included on the shelves. They contain much more fat and sodium than if you were to add a pat of butter at home. One cup of Birds Eye broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots contains just 34 calories and 40 mg sodium. One cup of the California Blend & Cheddar Cheese Sauce contains 141 calories, 693 mg sodium, and 7 grams of saturated fat.
Better option: Buy plain frozen veggies and drizzle olive oil on top. Sure, the oil adds calories, but it’s still a better bargain than a cheesy blend.

5. Worst Spread and Cooking Fat: Butter

Milk, butter, eggs. They’re probably on nearly everyone’s grocery list. But one tablespoon of butter contains 100 calories, 7 grams of saturated fat, and 30 mg cholesterol, so it’s not hard to see why this could be a diet danger if used too often. Unfortunately margarine isn’t much better, because it often contains cholesterol-raising trans fats. Even the trans fat-free varieties can legally contain anything less than 0.5 g per serving. If you love the taste of butter, Krieger recommends choosing wisely when you use it. “If you sauté your vegetables in butter, the flavor disappears, even though you still get the calories.” She recommends steaming your green beans, then placing a teaspoon on top to really get the buttery flavor.
Better option: Olive oil. Though olive oil is caloric, it contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that make it a better bet.

6. Worst Dessert: Ice Cream

What’s easier than picking up a carton of ice cream? And while even full-fat ice cream only contains about 150 calories per half-cup serving, it’s a portion control challenge. If you go spoon-first into a pint, it’s easy to consume 2-3 servings in a matter of minutes, leading to more fat, sugar, and calories than you bargained for. “Ice cream can be a trigger food,” says Krieger. “So if ice cream is your dessert or snack of choice, buy individual containers for portion control.”
Better option: Freeze containers of plain regular or Greek yogurt for a lower-cal treat. Top with fresh fruit, honey, or even a crushed up cookie.

7. Worst Quick-Fix Side Dish: Frozen French Fries

Don’t delude yourself into thinking that French fries are just another way to get a serving of potatoes. “Most frozen potato products are flash fried. The fat and salt contents are higher than if you did it yourself,” says Krieger. A recent study from Harvard University found that eating certain foods caused people to pack on the pounds more quickly than others. The worst culprit of weight gain? French fries! Eating one serving of French fries per day alone resulted in a 3.4-pound weight gain in four years!
Better option: Making your own French fries. Cut up potatoes with the skins on (there are 60 different kinds of phytochemicals and vitamins in the skins and flesh), add some olive oil and a pinch of salt, and bake in the oven.

8. Worst Condiment: Mayonnaise

Love it or hate it, there’s no denying that mayonnaise is a common staple in fridges nationwide. But with 100 calories per tablespoon, this condiment can turn a typical sandwich into a calorie bomb.
Better option: Mustards are a great alternative, but if you crave that creamy texture and rich flavor, try pesto, which is made with heart-healthy olive oil.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Akibat Over Materialistik (Lawak Giler!) |

Seorang peguam yang sangat berjaya memberhentikan Mercedes Benz siri S terbarunya di depan pejabatnya. Ketika dia membuka pintu keretanya.. sebuah lori melintas terlalu dekat menyebabkan terlanggar dan menerbangkan pintu kereta itu sekaligus menghentam bahagian depan Mercedesnya dgn kuat..

Orang ramai segera datang berkerumun dan mereka melihat peguam itu menjerit-jerit dan menangis dengan histeria sambil menunjuk keretanya yang sudah kemek itu.
Beberapa minit setelah dia dapat menguasai emosinya, beberapa orang menggeleng-gelengkan kepala dan memandang hina kepada peguam itu. Seorang dari mereka berkata, “Saya tidak sangka yang sifat matrelialistik engkau sudah keterlaluan dan mata duitan. engkau hanya pentingkan harta dan tidak pentingkan benda lain”
“Kenapa engkau berkata demikian?”, tanya si peguam lelaki itu menjawab..
“Tidakkah engkau tahu yang lengan kiri engkau terputus diseret lori tadi?”
“Ya Tuhan!!”, jerit si penguamcara tadi dengan kuat..
“Di mana jam tangan Rolex saya?!!” – Memang tak boleh la nak tolong orang macam ni. Gila dunia tidak menjamin kepada kebahagian di akhirat tetapi gila akhirat insyaAllah menjamin kebahagian bukan sahaja di akhirat tetapi juga di dunia. Ya Allah! kurniakanlah kami kejayaan di dunia dan di akhirat. Amin.


Foods for Pain-Free Knees

saya terpanggil utk mengepost entri inih kerana my dady sakit2 lutut jgk..meby coz aktif sgt men badminton..ehhehe..lg pun dah makin lanjut..huhuh..i hope God bless him with dad!! <3

foods knees

Vitamin C can do more than boost your immunity. Australian scientists recently discovered that the antioxidant, found in produce like bell peppers, kiwifruit, tomatoes, and oranges, also reduces knee pain by protecting your knees against arthritis. Researchers studied 293 middle-aged people who were free of knee pain. Ten years later, their knee tissue was assessed with an MRI. Those eating high amounts of vitamin C were less likely to have bone degeneration that leads to knee pain and the development of knee osteoarthritis. Researchers also found that other antioxidants, including lutein and zeaxanthin (found in green veggies such as spinach), can protect against arthritis and age-related wear and tear.

Makan Buah Oren Setiap Hari

Menurut Dr. Bill Sears, pakar psikologi dan profesor di University of California, beliau menyatakan pengambilan buah oren setiap hari, dapat membantu meningkatkan kadar antibodi dalam badan.
Ini kerana buah oren mempunyai vitamin C. Vitamin C dapat membantu mempercepatkan produksi antibodi dalam badan. Selain itu, ia juga dapat memberhentikan virus-virus penyakit dan jangkitan, daripada memasuki tubuh badan kita.
Tambah Dr. Bill, buah oren juga merupakan makanan yang berkhasiat, dan antara makanan yang terbaik untuk mempercepatkan produksi antibodi selain daripada daging turki, dan salmon.

Antara Suplemen dan Buah-Buahan – Mana Lebih Baik?

Bagi kalian yang bertanyakan soalan seperti di atas, jawapannya sudah tentu buah-buah, khususnya buah yang segar. Namun kita perlu fikir kemampuan kita untuk mengambil buah-buahan segar setiap hari.
Adakah kita mampu meluangkan masa 10 minit untuk makan buah-buahan setiap hari?
Adakah kita mempunyai masa untuk membeli buah-buahan segar di pasar?

Saturday, January 7, 2012


#Tattoo 10: Back Of Neck

#Tattoo 9: Lower Back

#Tattoo 8: Calves

#Tattoo 7: Triceps

#Tattoo 6: Chest

#Tattoo 5: Wrist

#Tattoo 4: Side Of Neck

#Tattoo 3: Ankle

#Tattoo 2: Broad Back

#Tattoo 1: Top Of Foot

;)) just enjoyy it

tomeiii x?


mana lg kiutt..?? ehhehhee

p/s: kerana terlalu buhsannn...nih hasil kerja thun2 duluh..ngehehhe ^_^

10 kamera kodak yg mbw kekayaan pd syarikatnya

Kodak Vollenda 620 Camera

classic gitu!!

Kodak Retina IIc


Kodak Instamatic 230

kecik aja.macam kaset!!

Kodak DC290


Kodak Brownie Bull’s-Eye

basar ehh

Kodak Stereo Camera

mcm wall-e ckit2

Kodak Baby Brownie

nyummy..mcm kek

Kodak Brownie Reflex


Kodak No.2 Autographic Brownie

ganass nmpk

Kodak Signet 80

suke yg nehh <3

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Right Brain vs. Left Brain of Marketers [Infographic]

Are you a Right-Brain or a Left-Brain Marketer?
Psychologists and personality theorists have long believed there to be differences between the right and the left side of the brain. The right side of your brain is responsible for creativity, while the left side handles the details and implementation. The left side is analytical while the right side is artistic.
As a marketer, the type of thinker you are guides the campaigns you design. So what type of marketer are you?

World's worst places: Top 10 places you do not want to visit in 2012

world's worst places

What comes to mind when you think of the world's worst place? While it is easy to complain about rural Wal-marts, La GuardiaApplebee's, and any government office with motor vehiclein its title, none of those places escalate the game from nuisance to immediate danger. All of them can be horrible, yes, but a threatened existence they do not pose.

The places on this list are the bad places. Some have run out of hope. Others have fought war for so long it is the new normal. Most are exceptionally dangerous and heartbreaking. And while none of them are fighting for write-ups by travel bloggers or inspiring travel with theNetJet set, some of these locations may someday be on the travel map. After all, it was not long ago that current hot-spots like Cambodia and Croatia would have made such a list.

world's worst places

10. Harare, Zimbabwe
Recently voted by the Economist as the world's worst city to live in, Harare is a unique study in failed fiscal policy. The once acceptable city fell into disrepair during Zimbabwe's severe bouts with hyperinflation and corruption. The troubles began in the early 21st century when Zimbabwe's inflation rate increased to 112.1%. Sounds terrible right? As it turns out, those were the sunny days. In 2008, the inflation rate peaked at 231,150,000% per annum. In U.S. terms, this means that if you deposited $10,000, it would be worth about 4 thousandths of a U.S. cent in one years time. That sucks. (For the record, 10,000USD = 46.720 quadrillion Zimbabwe dollars in 2009.)

This sort of economic arrangement allowed Harare to fail. There are not enough printers in Zimbabwe to print enough of its Z100 Billion notes, and when a loaf of bread costs trillions, doom is soon to follow. Unemployment grew to 80% and many services faltered. Today, foreign currencies have been adopted but the damage has been done. Much of Harare is in disrepair, and few foreign companies care to directly invest in the troubled city. That said, it is probably the safest place on this list to visit with flights direct from London on the national carrier - Air Zimbabwe.

world's worst places

9. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
The lone entry from Oceania is the ultra-diverse Port Moresby of Papua New Guinea. PNG is home to over 820 languages - more than any other country in the world. As such, its capital Port Moresby boasts a diverse crew of opportunists and island cultures. It was recently voted by the Economist as the 137th out of 140 places in the livable cities index, making it a tough place to get by.

Rapes, Murders, and HIV are just a few of the daily tragedies that befall this enclave at the edge of the map. Here, even riding in cars is a dangerous activity. Gangs called Raskols are known to rob vehicles transporting foreigners at gunpoint.

Port Moresby is best used as a temporary gateway to nearby dive sites and for flights to PNG's jungle interior and its solitary treks. Reaching Port Moresby is easy from Australia on PNG's national carrier Air Niugini.

world's worst places

8. Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
37 years ago, Ali and Foreman traded blows in one of boxing's most historic matches. The match took place in Kinshasa. At the time, the country was known as Zaire, and the future looked hopeful for the mineral-rich nation. But as is common in 20th century African history, corruption at the top derailed the future. The country became a model for African kleptocracyas President Mobutu matched Zaire's national debt with deposits into his personal bank account in Switzerland - to a tune of 4 billion (1980) U.S. dollars. He was forced to flee in the late nineties.

By 1998, the Congo region was engaged in the Second Congo War - the most deadly military conflict since World War II. In the end, over 5 million perished, and to this day the mineral-rich country has a per capita (nominal) GDP of about $186.

Chinese foreign direct investment has allowed Kinshasa to grow into a more reasonable place over the last decade, though it is not yet ready for its tourist close-up. Violence and political instability still ravage the second most populated city in Africa. It has come a long way from the time of Mr. Kurtz, but the heart of Africa is still an exceptionally complicated place. Just a month ago during the presidential election, thousands fled Kinshasa in anticipation of violence, and tanks rolled in to police the streets.

Tens of thousands of orphaned street children call the slums of Kinshasa home and are also routinely accused of witchcraft by locals. Carjackings are one of the more common types of tourist robbery, especially outside of the city center. And one more thing, photography isillegal.

Reaching Kinshasa is easy from Paris on Air France.

world's worst places

7. Rocinha favela, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rocinha is the largest favela in Rio de Janeiro. While its infrastructure exceeds that of lesser favelas and its view of Rio is truly breathtaking, it is also home to several hundred thousand low income Brazilians packed onto a steep lawless hillside. It is a playground for modern day little Li'l Zes.

With one of the highest murder rates in the world, Brazil has been cracking down on violence in anticipation of hosting both the Olympics and World Cup. In fact, local authorities have effectively declared war on this slum in an effort to clean it up and push out the drug cartels, and just a few months ago, Rocinha was occupied by the military and police forces. Their aim is to restore government control in the sprawling favela. Until they do, staying out is advisable.

world's worst places

6. Sana'a, Yemen
"Just off the horn of Africa..." is a common statement that generally precedes a story about modern piracy. And just on the other side of the dangerous Gulf of Aden where such piracy goes down is treacherous Yemen - a land frozen in time.

It is a time machine to the modern edge of the Islamic dark ages. On one hand this brings old world Arabian architecture and cultures of antiquity, but on the other, it brings out Islamic fanaticism. It is a place of child brides and a training ground for Al Qaeda. Men walk around freely with weapons per their religious rights, and these weapons range from the ubiquitousJambiya to battle-worn Kalashnikovs. Sana'a is old, dangerous, and has its share of political unrest. As a westerner, you can keep your travel plans safer by avoiding Yemen.

The tragic thing about Yemen is that it possesses such beautiful sights. It has unbelievable Red Sea beachesSocotra Island (Similar to the Galapagos and on my own personal travel shortlist), and old forts amid craggy mountains.

Reaching Sana'a, Yemen is possible from Dubai, Doha, London, and Sharjah.

world's worst places

5. Monrovia, Liberia
Clean water, electricity, basic services - all things we take for granted in the West. In Monrovia, a city named for James Monroe, these are luxuries. West Point, a peninsular slum jutting out into the Atlantic, is home to a special breed of disgusting squalor. Home to 75,000 Monrovians, it is one of Africa's most notorious and crowded slums. Cholera is at an epidemic level, drug use is rampant, teenage prostitution is a commonality, and toilets are scarce. In fact, since it costs money to use neighborhood toilets, many Monrovians in West Point just crap in the streets or on the beach.

Vice did a great series on Liberia a few years ago. In the series, they meet with with an ex-war leader known as General Butt Naked - the commander of a group of child soldiers called the Butt Naked Brigade. He earned this name by charging into battle wearing only sneakers and his AK-47. Aside from sacrificing humans and partaking in cannibalism, he also regularly communicated with the devil. Today, he is a minister.

Delta flies from Atlanta to Monrovia, Liberia.

world's worst places

4. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Just as turbulence occurs where hot and cold air meet, similarly a point of human turbulence occurs in this nasty city where Mexico meets the United States. Drug violence, government incompetence, and poverty mix to form what has been called the murder capital of the world(this dishonor has since been ceded to Honduras). As drug wars continue to rage, Juarez continues to be a dangerous place. The drug cartels continue to fight for one of the most valuable things in the world - access to the United States narcotics market.

Neighboring El Paso, oddly, has one of the lowest murder rates in the United States. In fact, among major cities, El Paso is tied with Lincoln, Nebraska for having the lowest murder rate in the United States. It is indeed strange to have such a dichotomy separated by a river.

Flying to Juarez from a number of cities is easy, but don't do it. Go to Cancun and fist pump instead.

world's worst places

3. Cite Soleil, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Take one of the mast damned places on the planet, knock the hell out of it with an earthquake, and you get the worst of Haiti - Cite Soleil. Port-au-Prince is generally a place of ephemeral hope and naked truths, and at its most rotten corner is this heartbreaking slum.

Cite Soleil is one of the largest slums in the northern hemisphere. It is a place where what you see is what you get, and what you see is abject third world poverty. The slum is void of sewers, schools, electricity, or healthcare facilities. It is the kind of place where relief workers are swallowed whole by the earth. In 2007, UN peacekeepers attempted to access the neighborhood and were welcomed with gunfire.

On top of this, many dangerous gang members escaped prison during the earthquake of 2010 and have returned to this crumbling slum. Reach PAP, Haiti from Miami on Insel Air.

world's worst places

2. Kandahar, Afghanistan
Surrounded by gorgeous mountains, it is a tragedy that Kandahar is so awfully dangerous. A one time trading center and strategic foothold, Kandahar is a victim of its perfect location between the world's of East and West. It has been a point of interest since Alexander the Great stumbled upon it in the 4th century BC. For centuries, traders passed through this city when traveling between Asia and Europe. As result, wars have also passed through and control has changed hands over its centuries of existence, from Mongols to Arabs to Brits and beyond.

Kidnappings, suicide bombings, and other criminal activities have turned it into an absolute monster of a destination. War has a way of creating this sort of general lawlessness. Having a 28% national literacy rate does not help matters.

As a weird footnote, Kandahar has an Armani Hotel, though it is not licensed by Giorgio. Its TGI Fridays, once a bastion of Americana and cheese sticks in Afghanistan, has allegedly been shut down. One can reach Kandahar from Dubai on Ariana Afghan Airlines. During Taliban rule, Osama bin Laden used this airline for Al Qaeda operations including the smuggling of guns, money, and opium. Today, sanctions have been lifted against the troubled national carrier.

world's worst places

1. Mogadishu, Somalia
Still crazy after all these years, "Mog" has perhaps the most terrifying disclaimer (ever) hovering above its entry on wikitravel. It states, "Mogadishu is regarded as the most lawless and dangerous city on Earth and is currently experiencing a major food and refugee crisis. It is not safe for leisure or tourism. If you are planning a visit for international aid work, etc, you will need expert advice and planning."

Civil War has raged for decades, and the government controls only a few blocks of the city. It is a base for modern pirates, the backdrop for the true story surrounding Black Hawk Down, and it is said that machine guns are frequently used by drivers to negotiate through car traffic. It is a land without law, a soulless place at the edge of Africa. Much of it bears more resemblance to the last level in an especially difficult video game than to life on Earth. It is more modern warfare than modern world.

Oddly enough, several supermodels were born in Mogadishu including Iman and Yasmin Warsame - a footnote of beauty for an ugly place. Flights to Mog can be booked on Jubba Airways from Jeddah and Dubai. Good luck with that. Seriously though, if you decide to go, be sure to wear a bulletproof vest and hire a small army of Ethiopian soldiers.