
Thursday, November 10, 2016


Oh, there she goes again,
Every morning it's the same
You walk on by my house
I wanna call out your name

I wanna tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing
You got me thinking what we could be 'cause...

I keep craving, craving,
You don't know it but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they wanna say to you
This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait,
I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever

In my dreams you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
And from there—who knows?
Maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time.
Or is that just me and my imagination?

We walk, we laugh, we spend our time
Walking by the ocean side
Our hands are gently intertwined
A feeling I just can't describe
All this time we spent alone,
Thinking we could not belong
To something so damn beautiful
So damn beautiful

I keep craving, craving, you don't know it, but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they wanna say to you
This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait,
I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever

In my dreams, you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
And from there—who knows?
Maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time..
Or is that just me and my imagination?

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

In my dreams, you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
And from there—who knows?
Maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time..
Or is that just me and my imagination?

I keep craving, craving,
You don't know it, but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they wanna say to you

Sunday, November 6, 2016

be courage. for once. its now o never.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

checklist barang masuk hostel :)

so dh rmi yg register utk masuk study an... kuatkan iman n smgt utk teruskan perjuangan..walau jauh dr fmly.. igtlh.. ini adalah sbhgn ibadahmu dlm menuntut ilmu.. :)

lets see.. sb ak pun mau beli brg gak utk pndah rumah sewa nanti..

#baju kurung o bju formal utk g kuliah. tp ak mcm xsmpi seminggu pki bju kurung lpas tu rock hbs :P
and ak skip orientasi rumah dekat kan. haahhaha. jgn contohi akak ye adik2 sekalian.. nakal.
so pakaian tu biarlh kemas, bersih n selesa dipakai :) sem 1 sllunya skema pki matrik kad g mana2..itu lucu tp rules ttp rules.. ehehe

#kasut lau ak dlu suka pakai sneaker.. sb kos kitorang kena pakai yg tutup punya. ehehe. ikut sukalah yg pntg lecturer berkenan.kos kitorang lasak ckit.
#stokin, ak x suka pakai sb rs xselesa.. lucu plak. tp skang dh cuba2 nk jinakkan diri dgn stokin. tutup aurat biarlah mgikut syariat ye x? :)
#handsocks lau korang pki pendek tgn jelah an. mcm2 dh design skg ni. better guna yg tebal ckitlh kot. ak sllu pki bju long sleeve so xbyk collection hehe

#torchlight in case blckout. asrama ak dlu sllu blackout tho.
#powerbank in case of emergency melainkan hang ska angkut chrger o pakat dgn kwn hehe.
#extension wire ni pnting bak hang memudahkan kehdupan seharian hehe
#laptop, bag laptop/casing laptop sng nk wat assgmnt ah kan. its a MUST ! xkn time cuti xd buat duit? xpun tggu duit pnjmn msuk o kan ad fama (fathermother) bank korang/atm bergerak huhu.
#pendrive, hard disk xdlah lagging laptop korg. nk mnta/smpn mubi pun sng. ehhh.
#mouse/printer/cleaning kit - jaga leklok bnda mahal tuuu..kena menten..printer optional..if nk meniaga pun okay gk..untung wo
#iron / iron board.. lau nk pnjm roomate okay gk kot. budi bhasa budaya kita
#rice cooker/heater..if ad bajet lebih ap slhnya kan...
#termos air..

#sabun cuci,softlan/downy/berus baju
#sepitkain, baldi, gayung
#tempat sidai kain yg besi berdiri tu pun okay gk..sllu berebut space kot nk jemur kain.kang xkering lak.i jemur kat dlm bilik bwh kipas jer, guna kayu penyapu :P
#slipar jamban
#alat makeup n keperluan diri sendiri..kerana dirimu bgitu berharga
#bakul letak baju kotor/raga kain/bakul letak brg mandi/bakul letak sepit kain :P

4. foodies..
#biskut dlm tin.ak sllu ttba lpr.suma org pun sm an.
#maggi. tp bla btul2 mgidam o dh xd choice o keep it healthy (seimbangpunyabahan2)
#ubat/ubatan/first aid kit
#instant mushroom soup
#mineral water
#3 in better beli yg satu2.. milo, gula, coffe mate..lbh sihat ckitlah katanya...sobs

5.telekung/sejadah/tafsir quran.. n buku2 yg berfaedah.

6.keperluan lain..
#letak gmbr fmily kat meja study..(sy buat sb sllu homesick even dekat dgn rumah- 1hr ++)
#bantal,selimut, sarung bantal, sarung tilam
#payung.. cuaca smakin unpredictable..alang2 beli yg mhl trus tau..lau x patah lawan angin jer.(true story)
#rak kasut/almari pkaian tp mustahil xd locker.selebinya letak lam luggage jerlah if xd space sgt.
#kotak smpn brg2.

if nk buat pahala lebih blehlah beli penyapu, penyodok, mop lantai ker,, lau ad macik cleaner okay bilik kenalah sapu hari2..bru slesa stdy,,pki sm2 dgn kawan..xpun patak1 lah beli brg utk hostel kmu tuuuu.....peace yaw

ak rs itu jerlah kot..yg lain fikirlah ikut sndiri punya needs yerr! hrp dpt mmbantu.
bawa2 byk bersabar n slmt mgharungi liku2 khdupan gaissss...

akak dftr masuk 2.9 ni..doakan akak kuat nk hbskn stdy ya..smga dpermudahkan olehNya..

till the nx u gaisssss....

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Bakal zauj....

"While chemistry and attraction are no doubt important, character precedes them both. A famous quote follows, “Chemistry ignites the fire, but character keeps it burning.” The idea of falling “in love” should never be the sole reason for marrying someone; it is very easy to confuse infatuation and lust for love."

ive been waiting for this moment.. where u wud come to me n tell me. no matter how busy u r in the meeting room, how many file papers u hv to sign..

u will ask me to wait for u to get back home..

cz u know i will wait..

no, i dont want to lose u anymore... 

so lets work dis thing out.. :) in sha Allah smga jodoh itu milik kta berdua n mencari redha Nya..smga ikatan ini dpt mmbw ke langkah yg sterusnya..amiinn ya rabbal alamin... 


Thursday, July 21, 2016


ak jatuh. jatuh dan jatuh lagi.


ak lemah tanpaMu. maka kuatkanlah ak pd jalanMu.

ak hilang tanpaMu. berikanlah ak hidayah berterusan dariMu.

ak hambaMu yg kerdil. yg penuh dosa n sntiasa berdosa tnpa pengampunan driMu..

berkatilah hdupku Ya Rabb.. rahmatilah perjalananku sbg seorg pelajar yg istiqamah dlm menimba ilmu, bekerja mencari rezeki yg halal dan bersih..

berikan ak kesempatan dalam berjuang dlm hdup ini dalam corak yg engkau redhai...
izinkan ak berbakti kpd kedua ibu bapaku, keluargaku,, saudaraku..shabatku.. dan mereka yg mmerlukannya ya rabb..

limpahkan kurniaMu.. murahkan rezeki kami.. sesungguhnya mmberi itu adlh sebaik2 amal.
maka titipkanlah setiap amal kami itu dgn keikhlasan... sungguh.. hati ini sllu berbolak balik...

hanya engkau penjaga hati yg amanah lg menenangkan jiwa2 kami

sedarkan ak dikala ak alpa
di kala ak riak..takabbur n sifat2 mazmumah lain..

hiasilah diriku dgn sifat mahmudah.. permudahkanlah bg ku perjlnn hdupku.. agar ak mampu menggalas ujianMu sbg bekalan d akhirat sn..

sungguh,, yg ku hrpkn adalh menjadi wanita yg solehah... anak yg solehah.. jika ad jodoh d dunia, jdkanlah ak isteri yg solehah.. ibu yg mithali..

rabbana atiina fid dunya hasanah wa fil akhirati hasanah wakina azabbannar..

inshaallah.. amiiinn...


perkara plg sweet...?

wake up n get ready to go to work. every weekdays. unless public holiday o off day.

bfast ? cud be nasi goreng, mee goreng, bread n so on.

but smtimes we r rushg o mls o budget r tight. luckily we got a mini market. so we wud hv maggi instead.

yups.. the sweet thing is,,, my mom o my dad wud cook one packet of megi. most likely megi go sedap.

we will share dat megi, yep 3 of us. hehehehe. but i wish they will just spare not too much for me, i cudnt even finish it as im not a heavy morning person. chances end up going to toilet. throwing back. hehehe.

thanks mom n dad. love u till infinity n beyond that. <3

yups. some said true love is while u hvg a kids.

they love u. without knowing what ur job is, how much money u hv, what car u drive... and the end of the day, they will hug u n kiss u without any doubt o reasons..

hannah did that. shes 6y/o dis year... kinda annoyed u smtimes. too many questions, sib baik ak syg. n kiut. such a heartwarming. but rmmbr, if u cant answer 6y/o kids, n make them understand, big time..u r not good at explaining things. fact ? hehehe

i havent found true love yet.o meby we will never ever will. but ive found soul mate. dat makes me realize. things i ddnt, before. so thanks :)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

#sharks #myfinmylife #saveourseafood

break the bowl gaissss !!!!!


sdp mang sdp.. perghhhhhh.... mostly kat hotel2 o restauran seafud sllu ad an kena serve shark fin soup ni....

n xlm lps tu.. dgg shark pun dh kena mkn jgk...

xslh sbnrnya nk mkn.. tp ats dasar humanity... nk conserve haiwan ni drpd terus pupus.. sian the next generation xdpt nk study psl shark dh an..

learn form our past.. dh brpa byk dh animal dh makin pupus...

byk lg mknn lain kta bleh mkn an..nk jd exotic sgt ek.

yg 'rare' yg org sllu nak an...

lupakan psl suma tu... thn nafsu ckt.. and jimat gak an.. lau ad yg serve ckp xnk... dpt ker x ek nk lawan..?

okay itu pelan2.. yg pntg tlg sign petition ni.. by doing a small contribution, we may do some huge changes to our world...aite ..?? hopefully... so click this link ebribdihhhh....!!!!!!

ak tau hal ni sm dgn nk stop dr consuming telur penyu... dua2 ak suka... tp dlm hdup, xsuma bnda kta kena ikut nafsu.. kta kna consider if ianya lbh mndtgkn kebaikan kpd rmi org n sebaliknya...

be selfless n contribute more.. save the sharks... for our future..(cud be ur children)

mnlah tau nnt canggih dh bleh breed rs yg sm dgn bendalah tu. okay. stop. nnt ak tulis lg imaginative.

thanks alot in advance...:)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


dh masuk fasa cek result UPU dpt ke x ea..? tgh nk iv tuk masuk ?

okay adik2.. meh cne nk share ckit.. dgn pengalaman 3 thun dahulu..inshaAllah hrp dpt mmbantu :)

1.MONEY: urus duit anda sebaiknya sb nk dpt duit pnjmn tu meby mkn ms ckit, xhbs sem byk yg ggt jari.. bg yg buat loan lah. jimat n cermat. beli yg pntg n btul2 perlu shja. utamakan perbelanjaan berkaitan dgn akademik (asgmnt/fieldtrip etc) dahulu. simpan ckt dahulu..untk emergency case.. sblm spend money for pleasure. makan pun xyah mewah sgt yg pntg cukup. if nk smthg fancy cabar diri dpt result okay dlm test ker, bg reward kat diri sekali skala okaylah. ini bg yg mmg nk jimat sgt. :P d era ekonomi yg tetttttttt...lau ad yg nk start bisnes ckit2 sgt dialu2kan. yg pntg time mgmt n pndi juga saving.

2.TRANSPORTATION: kena tahu bila ms bas akan berlegar2. hehe. tgk jadual lh ea. bleh sewa/motor gk. bleh kongsi dgn kawan if nk lg jimat. yg bw kenderaan sndiri pastikan ad pelekat n all. tau area mn bleh park. kes berebut nk naik bus tu biasa. bi a sa. hehe

3.GROUP WORK: ah. yg ni pon pntg gk. pilih kawan yg mmbantu bukan jd free rider. cri partner yg sm2 sumbang tenaga. so xdlah kaut markah n ilmu tu sorang2. nk selamat cr yg rajin hehe.

4.KAWAN OH KAWAN : kawan jer dgn smua org. jgn jd racist. time ni lh ko dpt knl rmi org. bru bleh tukar2 info n story. bru luas ckit fikiran tu. lau ko jns pilih bulu susah lah nk campur. jgn berpuak2. last2 ko sorang2 gk lpas grad nnt. so kawan dgn suma n by that time u will know jns2 kwn yg ko ad. saling tolong menolong ya! jgn friend with benefits jer. keep in touch.

5.HOSTEL : lau yg duk jauh tu mmg prefer duk asrama uni kan? lau dekat plak meby tggl rumah sendiri/saudara. ad yg tggl luar sb nk sesama dgn kawan dia. lbh selesa katanya. sy tiga thun duk asrama. xdpt, sy merayu, tulis surat, usaha smpi dpt. hehee. lg murah compare byr sewa bulan2. kannn tp ikutlah individu msg2.. yg pntg sng nk g kuliah n environmentnya selamat. lg satu, syukur n redha lah dgn ragam housemate/roomate yg korg dpt. sm2 pndai atur. nk masam muka smpi bla..? nk xtegur smpi bila..? last2 korg sndiri yg sakit hati. so pepandailah bawak diri. bljr berdikari n matangkan diri.

6.MAKAN: ini persoalan yg hr2 kna face. sm gk nk pki bju ap tudung ap.hehe. lau ad periuk nasi bleh bawak. jimat ckit. tp if kna spotcheck pndai2lh settle.hehee. jgn nk mkn maggi jerr. lesu jer nnt. dun skip meal ea!!!! lau nk save sgt puasalah. :P

7.RIADAH: nk otak cerdas bdn pun mestilah cergas ann. so luangkan ms tiap ptg o pagi. walaupun cuaca skg ni xbuat ap pun ttp akn bepeluh dlm bilik, hahaha. 30 mins per day dh ckup rsnya. tukarkan tenaga yg energetic sgt tu pada smthg yg useful.

8.LIBRARY: buku rujukan xdlah byk sgt. lau ko awl cri, awl lh dpt. then kongsi gk ah dgn kawan. ksian plak kat durg an. berbaik ah dgn senior korang. cari senior yg korg leh mnta tnjuk ajar o bleh rujuk. jgn bakhil ilmu..jd lah org yg cintakan ilmu, and then amalkannya.. x rugi pon.. durg  bleh betulkn ko if one day ko silap o lupa plak an.

9.LECTURER: lecturr ska org yg menonjol. ska bertnya tp bertempatlah. tahu ap yg korang utarakan. fokus n try to dpt high grade/carry mark. sb exam mang lg susah. ap2 pun, jgn tangguh asgmnt/kerja. last minute kerja ni x cun sgt. nm pun last minute. so lau nk result gempak, berpagi-pagian. berawal-awalan. hehe. 3/4thun jer kot stdy. brkorbanlh ckit. usaha utk set pointer yg tinggi pd sem 1. then try menten.. gambatte ne !!!!!

10.CLASS: kehadiran tu lau bleh penuhkan lah kcuali ad emergncy case yg xdpt elak. o sb ko nges smlm smpi bgkak mata ke kelas? spek kan ado. hahahhaa. gurau. nk becinta tu bleh tp pandai2 lah kc balance. igt mak ayah. hrpn mereka. sblm buat smthg tu. pikir baik buruk 1000x. hehe. n... duk saf depan lah if nk dgr dgn lebih jelas..lebih2 lg yg mata n telinga problem tu. duk blkg kan ilmu pun smpi ckit jer, hehee. (pdhl ak pun ska duk blkg gk ). n be punctual. dtg awl pd tepat masanya. xlah ganggu kelas yg tgh berlangsung ye dak?

11.JAGA SOLAT: dh nm pun hamba, so jgn nk bersifat raja plak. sentiasa doa, solat, usaha n tawakal. inshaAllah dipermudah jln hdup o Allah akn hntr bantuan melalui org dgn redhaNya.. n kol lah mak ayah kekadang. lg2 yg jauh tu.. xkn hbs duit bru igt nk kol kot ...? hrgai n curahkn kasih syg selagi sempat.. kang nyesal x sd

okaylh tlmpau pnjg mengarut. ap2 pun all the best ea !!!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

moneyyyy vs

duit boleh beli makanan tp bukan selera

duit boleh beli buku tp bukan bijaksana

duit boleh beli rumah tp bukan keluarga

duit boleh beli hiburan tp bukan bahagia

jangan jadi hamba duit tp jadilah hamba Tuhan.

sumber : Ustaz Badli Shah Alauddin

Sunday, April 3, 2016


ulcer kat lidah.

sakit nk mkn, telan mknn. nk berckp pun mcm lidah pendek lak. asal gg tajam sgt. kang ku asah bg tumpul jak g. lol.

mlm tu ak nk tdo. ttba lak trggt lidah. sapalah yg p sebut nm sia tu ah. ehhh. hhehe jk.

so petua nk bg sembuh ulcer kat mulut ni adalah :

1. letak garam @ kumur2 air garam.
pedih gak. thn lah ya. jimat sikit. hehe

2. letak ubat serbuk cap kaki tiga kat tompok putih ulser tu.
inshallah cpt gk sembuh, ak pernah prektis.

3. nk yg lg frenly, guna ubat bonjela kaler biru tu,
ak xpernah guna tp cam baekkk jer review org hehe. cari jer kat farmasi.

4. ad org ckp letak marjerin ye ek..? wangi ah pasni nafas ahhahahaha sdp lak tu an.

5. tonyoh2 dgn asam boy. ermm. asam+msg. okay kot ek. ak suka mkn asam boi sm limau kasturi, nom nom nommmmmm hehe

6. last skali letak ais. hmm rsnya dia mcm bg bius jer kot. x penah cuba tp leh lah praktikkan mn2 yg korang rs sesuai hehehe..

cpt lh sembuh ehh duhai ulser...ala buchukk2,,,

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

bersangka baik :) always.

1.kita perlu sentiasa bersangka baik kerana mungkin kita mpunyai sijil2 kecemerlangan kokurikulum atau akademik, ttp kita tdk memiliki 'sijil' yg mengatakan bhawa kita antara yg dijanjikan syurga seperti 10 sahabat nabi.

2.kita perlu sentiasa bersngka baik kerana manusia lain juga seperti kita yang mempunyai setiap detik peluang untuk berubah ke arah yg lebih baik.mungkin semalam dia seorg yg kedekut tetapi tidak mustahil dalam sekelip mta.hari ini dia mnjd seorg yg pemurah dan mungkin tiada yg menyangka bahawa hari esok dialah yg paling ikhlas dlm memberi.

3.kita perlu sentiasa brsangka baik kerana setiap drpd kita adalah bersaudara. andai hati sahaja mudah berprasangka, bagaimana mahu menebar bahagia?

4.kita perlu sentiasa bersangka baik kerana percayalah, setiap sesuatu yg berlaku pasti ad sebabnya. usah mudah mengangkat jari telunjuk menghukum, namun eratkan jemari membentuk persefahaman dan kesatuan hati.

5. kita perlu sentiasa bersangka baik kerana diri kita sendiri bukan maksum dan sepi drpd melakukan dosa,

6. kita perlu sentiasa bersangka baik kerana hanya Allah SWT yg mengetahui segala isi hati org lain.

7. kita perlu bersangka baik kerana kita hanya seorg hamba yg harus taat kpd Pencipta. bersangka baik sentiasa, selama masih bernyawa! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The belief that women are and should be treated as potential intellectual equals and social equals to men. These people can be either male or female human beings, although the ideology is commonly (and perhaps falsely) associated mainly with women.

The basic idea of Feminism revolves around the principle that just because human bodies are designed to perform certain procreative functions, biological elements need not dictate intellectual and social functions, capabilities, and rights.

Feminism also, by its nature, embraces the belief that all people are entitled to freedom and liberty within reason--including equal civil rights--and that discrimination should not be made based on gender, sexual orientation, skin color, ethnicity, religion, culture, or lifestyle.

Feminists--and all persons interested in civil equality and intellectuality--are dedicated to fighting the ignorance that says people are controlled by and limited to their biology.
Feminism is the belief that all people are entitled to the same civil rights and liberties and can be intellectual equals regardless of gender. However, you should still hold the door for a feminist; this is known as respect or politeness and need have nothing whatever to do with gender discrimination.
by The Thinker-Writer January 31, 2010

Monday, March 14, 2016


Semoga semuanya dipermudahkan dan diberkati. inshaAllah aminn..

Sunday, March 6, 2016

jodoh terbaik..?

dont fall in love with good memories. fall in love for the better future.

love, you either know it when you met her, or when you lose her.

bersedih d dlm kereta Ferrari itu lebih baik daripada menangis di atas motor kapchai.

Korean proverb " better job, better money, better husband".

tidak salah menjadi andalusia (anak dara lanjut usia) disebabkan memilih jodoh yang terbaik, berbanding menjadi janda pada usia yang muda jika tersalah memilih pasangan.

siapa pun pasanganmu itu, jika dia seorang lelaki yg berpelajaran ataupun tidak namun rajin berusaha untuk mengubah kehidupan menjadi lebih baik dan maju, itu lebih baik.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

be special

1. always think there is always more to LEARN.
know what happens around the world. be curious, learn new things and skills. kind to others.
always tend to smile and be kind.

3. understand others feelings.
try to listen them, letting them talk about how they feel.

4. Enjoy music.
those emotions may be good or bad, but they are strong.


6. make others happy as ur lifestyle.
make others smile or live a good moment.
like a nice gift, a warm smile, surprises, or even a good deed.

7. stay positive
choose to be happy.
dont afraid to take risk.

8.Strive for your goals.
dont let others discourage you. your dream
be ambitious

10.go travel and learn from others culture.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

“Love blurs your vision; but after it recedes, you can see more clearly than ever. It's like the tide going out, revealing whatever's been thrown away and sunk: broken bottles, old gloves, rusting pop cans, nibbled fishbodies, bones. This is the kind of thing you see if you sit in the darkness with open eyes, not knowing the future.” 
― Margaret AtwoodCat's Eye

emo xtentu psl

lately ni sllu emosi sgt2. meby sb its time of the month n hormon xbrapa nk stabil lagi. (hormon pun pening nk lyn karenah aku).

ak sakitkn hati org sekeliling aku. sorry sesangat. i never meant to hurt u gaissss.

ak takut org terasa hati dgn aku. tp ak kdg2 hati batu.

ak just nak minta maaf if ad terbuat slh n silap.

ak kena byk muhasabah diri gamaknya ni.

salam jumaat...:)

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Benjamin Franklin once said, "If you want something done, ask a busy man." I never really believed this but have found it to be absolutely true in the past year. We've grown a lot here at mbg, which has been incredibly fun and also incredibly demanding. When first approached about writing a book I thought to myself, "There's no way in hell I have time for this." I already had a huge problem finding hours in the day for things other than work, let alone a book! After all, Randi Zuckerberg famously said of entrepreneurs, "Work, sleep, family, fitness, or friends. Pick three." I could relate to this battle for balance! Couple that with the fact that I had a lot of friends who had written books and had heard lots of stories about all-nighters, insane deadlines, and tremendous pressure to sell lots of books! So even though my head was saying, "No, don't do this!" my heart and my gut were saying, "Yes." (See #15 above, about listening to your gut.) Suffice it to say, I plowed forward. The next challenge I had was finding time to write! My solution? Writing while flying. Every time I flew in the summer of 2014 (which was a lot!) I did not opt for the in-flight Wi-Fi and I wrote. And wrote and wrote. If you look, you'll find there are hidden pockets of time everywhere, like the 10 minutes on your subway commute or the 15 minutes before the rest of your family wakes up. Just find those pockets and use them.
By the fall I had almost 50,000 words and a book. I even turned it in a few weeks before it was due. And there were no sleepless nights! The big lesson in this experience was that the more we do, the more we can do. But, it comes down to passion, prioritization, and time management. If you're passionate about something, you'll prioritize it, and you'll find a way to manage your time. And you can do it without killing yourself.

ur meow might be in pain ! heres the indication :)

meowww~~~ #cp
All cat owners know that cats only have three modes: 
1) doesn't care you exist, 2) purring cat cuddle time and 3) devil incarnate.
But animal experts know that the royal fur balls put up a really good poker face and, contrary to their apparent apathy toward life, our feline friends actually do feel pain. They just don't show it.
"Cats are notorious for not showing that they are in pain," Caroline Fawcett, chairman of Feline Friends, an organization that supported the research, said in a university press release. "And the more we can find out what the signals are, then the sooner we can get them to the vets for diagnosis and treatment."
So when your cat starts acting a little funny, don't brush it off as a weird quirk.
Below, 25 tell-tail signs that could indicate your precious pet is actually in pain:

1. Absence of grooming

2. Lameness

3. Difficulty jumping

4. Abnormal gait

5. Reluctant to move

6. Reaction to palpation

7. Hiding

8. Playing less

9. Appetite decrease

10. Overall activity decrease

11. Less rubbing toward people

12. Change in general mood

13. Change in overall temperament

14. Hunched posture

15. Shifting of weight

16. Licking a particular body region

17. Lower head posture

18. Blepharospasm (involuntary blinking or spasm of the eyelids)

19. Change in form or feeding behavior

20. Avoiding bright areas

21. Growling

22. Groaning

23. Eyes closed

24. Straining to urinate

25. Tail twitching

Sunday, February 28, 2016

soul mate

“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. 

A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave. 

A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master...” 

― Elizabeth GilbertEat, Pray, Love

Saturday, February 27, 2016

nobody said it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

hope we cn get thru all dis n reunite in the name of love.

will be waiting for you, mr.  m so sorry for being stubborn. love,

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

be AMAZING !!!!!!!



Monday, February 1, 2016

the person YOU really need to MAARRYYYYYYY..??!! #review

"...marry urself"

she said. "commit to yourself, fully". 

cz when u do, u will do it till death tear u apart.


1. U will love urself right where u r. through poor o rich.

2. U will love urself, for better or worst.
u gonna stay and stick for urself no matter what kind of disappointment u face.

3.U gonna love urself by forgive ur mistake ; mistake is not a failure unless you don't learn from it or grow frm it.

4.Life doesn't give the life u wanted. it will give the people, the situation, to develop u, for what you've been asking for. (strongly agree)

5. To hold yourself: u r going to love yourself the way u want somebody to love you. only u, know what exactly u want. *psg lagu loveurself* ehhh. hee

6. If u love and happy with yourself, there's no need to make others like you and pretending. be natural. the people who likes you will love u the way you are. so just be yourself and cherish the moment. (mostly during dates or ceremonies) 

7. Just being in a relationship. enjoy the process. be matured. no need to hear "i love u" from anyone else if u, urself already vaccinated with the love from urself.  

Love urself, enough to make others get inspired by urself. :) :p <3

if u're not good company to urself, u're not going to be good company to anyone else. (deep)

Sunday, January 31, 2016

ip 5s


jd korean sekejapp. urm. peristiwa dukalara trjadi apabila ip ku jatuh dr poket ktka ak sdg berlari2 anak menaiki tangga d rumahku.


ak tenung kat lantai tu. kayu. tp bukan itu yg pntg. hp ak. hp ak jatuh kat lantai. arghh.. i just actg cool. coz i tot im using the safety glass one.

masuk bilik ak ckp kat diri sendiri. dh dua kali ip ak jatuh retak. jatuh lak hadap skrin kat lantai. sooo.. time firtst time tu selamat sb ak guna temperate glass as screen protector.
but.. the second time..ak guna yg biasa jer..plastik.. lol

xsgka akan jatuh lg haha n time tu ongkos xmngizinkn sgt utk guna yg lg mhl. o sbnrnya xnk mmbzir. kununn.

ak survey ah kat kk brpa hrga if repair. rm400.00 walaweyhh,

kat tmpt kawan ak 330.00

n bf ak kate lau kat lelong lg murah n psg sndiri. tp dia jauh. hehehe.

so till now.. sejak nov, ak gagahkan jugak guna hp tu. tp skg dh xthn sb dia pndi mati sendiri. huhuh. lmbt nk cas n susah nk cas. i knw ak perlu tukar cable. tp ak nk skrin besar lh skg ni...

soo...... adakah sy akan mmbeli hp baru..?? ad yg suggest sony.. but im not a very fan of it anyway.. samsung pun ak xsuka. lenovo dgr byk mslh gk. standard ah gadget. ip jgk yg ak nak.. tp harga tuu,,, brpa kali gaji baru leh ganti balik..just wait n see.. lau dh xthn sgt baru ak decide lah ekk....  muuahhhh <3

workingggg ^^

alhamdulillah...rezeki dari Allah..
kita rancang camana pun tp if dia dh sedia yg lbh baik utk kita, inshaAllah itu lah yg kita dpt..

as im being anxious n excited to start my journey in UM, God knws better. i ddnt manage to further my stdy there because of some issue. n fortunately i got job offer form yayasan sabah. alhamdulillah.

hopefully i can gain as much as i could. inshaAllah.

tata for now! adios ! :) love.